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Lake County Youth Mentor Program

The mission of the Lake County Youth Mentor Program is connecting youth—grades K-12—with caring adult mentors to enhance both academic and personal achievement.

We are in need of both men and women of all ages, from all walks of life, to mentor Lake County youth, grades K-12. All we ask is one hour a week for one year. It takes patience, time, respect for youth, and a desire to help the youth in our community succeed, both academically and personally.

Do you remember a time when you needed an impartial adult to talk to, someone who would listen and help you make good choices? A lot of youth in our community need someone to fill that role right now. They need an adult friend. That’s where YOU come in. You can help by becoming a youth mentor. A small investment of your time can make a major difference in a youth’s life.

The Process


One-on-One Mentoring involves the following process:

  • Mentors complete an application that includes employment information and at least four (4) references who are contacted for background information.

  • Mentors are fingerprinted at program expense at the Lake County Jail.

  • The program checks driving records and sex offender registries.

  • Mentors participate in an interview with program staff and a board member.

  • Once approved, mentors undergo a three-hour training program.

  • At the conclusion of the training program, mentors can choose a youth with whom they believe they have  some common interests.

  • The mentor is then told the full name of the youth.

  • The youth's parents/guardians are contacted to approve a meeting with the mentor and the youth.

  • The mentor, the youth, a school representative, and a program representative meet to discuss forming a mentoring relationship.

  • At the conclusion of the meeting, the mentor and the program representative leave.  The school representative and the youth then discuss whether the youth feels comfortable with the mentor.

  • Upon the youth's approval, the mentor and a program representative meet with the parents to discuss the boundaries and responsibilities of the mentoring relationship.

  • Upon a successful parent meeting, the mentor and the youth begin their mentoring relationship.


Team Mentoring involves the following process:

  • Mentors complete an application that includes employment information and at least four (4) references who are contacted for background information.

  • Mentors are fingerprinted at program expense at the Lake County Jail.

  • The program checks driving records and sex offender registries.

  • Once approved, mentors undergo a three-hour training program.

Girl Talk Facilitators must complete the following process:

  • Facilitators complete an application that includes employment information and at least four (4) references who are contacted for background information.

  • Facilitators are fingerprinted at program expense at the Lake County Jail.

  • The program checks driving records and sex offender registries.

  • Once approved, the facilitator undergo a three-hour training program.


Boy Group Facilitators must complete the following process:

  • Facilitators complete an application that includes employment information and at least four (4) references who are contacted for background information.

  • Facilitators are fingerprinted at program expense at the Lake County Jail.

  • The program checks driving records and sex offender registries.

  • Once approved, the facilitator undergo a three-hour training program.

Our Success


Over 75 students have been served via one-on-one mentoring relationships in Lakeview


  • 90+ students have participated in team mentoring activities throughout Lake County

  • 20% improvement in grades

  • 38% decrease in absenteeism rates

  • 17% improvement in school behavior

  • 48% improvement in behavior at home


According to the Lake County School District #7 Behavioral Specialist, "The students in the mentoring program have shown great strides in a variety of capacities including attendance, self- esteem, academics, behavior, interpersonal relationships, school involvement, communication, and conflict management and resolution skills." 

In Partnership with

Ford Family Foundation

Miller Foundation

Juvenile Crime Prevention

Silver Family Foundation

JTMF Foundation

Oregon Community Foundation

Trail Blazers Foundation

Roundhouse Foundation

Lake County Commissioners

Lake County Schools

Lake County ESD

Lake County Lions Club

Pacific Power Foundation

Green Diamond Resources

Elks Lodge

Department of Justice- Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division 

Become a hero!  Get involved today!


​357 North L Street, Lakeview, OR 97630
541-947-4880 | Toll free 877-947-2744

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The Lake County Youth Mentor Program operates its program, services and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs.

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